Project: The Fulani in the Sahel: Caught between the Hammer of Muslim Extremism and the Anvil of the State (Mali, Nigeria)
File number: W 08.420.114
Report kick-off workshop
Venue: Office Groupe ODYSSEE, Bamako, Mali
Date: October 2-3, research team, inception meeting
October 4, Stakeholder consultation
Team: Amagoin Keita (ODYSSEE) AK
Han van Dijk (ASC: coordinator) HvD
Mamadou Goita (IRPAD) MG
Mirjam de Bruijn (ASC) (MdB
Oka Obono (CPPA) OO
- Introduction
The objective of the workshop was to bring further focus in the research question and to make a concrete research plan in order to kick-start the research activities. In addition a stakeholder consultation was organized with the Malian stakeholders. For organizational reasons it was decided to postpone the stakeholder consultation in Nigeria until a later date, as the research team in Nigeria is not complete yet and we are facing a number of organizational issues.
- Agenda
September 30: Arrival team members HvD, MdB Bamako
October 1: preparatory work workshop: arrival team member OO
October 2: Inception meeting (9.00-16.00) (AK, HvD, MG, MdB, OO)
- Getting to know each other and each other’s research interests
- Discussion of current situation in Mali and Nigeria in the light of the research proposal
October 3: Inception meeting (9.00-16.00) (AK, HvD, MG, MdB, OO)
- Development of joint analytical framework and establishing the connections between the different research components
- Establishment of research priorities
- Timelines and deliverables
- Communication strategies
- Administrative issues
October 4: Morning: Stakeholder consultation Mali
- Presentation of the project (MdB)
- Questions and comments stakeholders
- Stakeholders’ expectations
- Discussion of communication plan with stakeholders and their roles
October 4: Afternoon: bilateral talks
- Discussion HvD/MdB with Moodibo Galy Cissé (MC), candidate junior researcher
- Discussion HvD/MdB with AK about possible PhD thesis
III. Report Inception Meeting
As was to be expected, some of the areas where the research focuses on are inaccessible because of security issues. Over the past months there have been several grave incidents in the areas south of the conflict zone proper in Mali, where the Fulani have their core areas. In Nigeria, there have been several cases of extreme intercommunal violence in the southern and central parts of Nigeria. Overall there has been unrest in other parts of West Africa in which Fulani have been involved as well, notable in the Central African Republic, Chad, and in the Niger-Mali border area between Fulani and Daoussahaq, a sub-group of the Tuareg. It is decided to make an inventory of the available literature since 2012 to find out whether the Malian and Nigerian cases are an exception or the manifestation of a more general pattern of unrest associated with the Fulani. As such farmer-herder conflicts involving Fulani and sedentary populations have a long history, but it is important to see whether we arrived in a new phase of these conflicts, and mutual framing of each other, and to investigate the possible relations with the larger struggles involving rebellion and extremism
Given the patterns of unrest in both Nigeria and Mali at this moment, it is decided to make the youth, who are at the centre of this unrest both as victims and perpetrators, the primary focus of the research. Both the junior researchers to be involved will be asked to develop research on the nature of youth movements and the way in which mobilization is taking place. Therefore the two junior researchers, also by virtue of their age, will primarily focus on the position of youth, and how they are involved in conflicts and political movements. The senior researchers will develop their own research lines, linked to this focus on youth and their position in Fulani society.
The various research lines are the following:
- Youth involvement in political activities in Mali (MC)
- Social and cultural expressions of conflict (MdB)
- The southward movement of herds and youth in Nigeria (OO)
- Decentralisation and its consequences for herder-farmer relations in Mali (AK)
- Background studies about resources scarcity and its relation with local level natural resource management (HvD)
- The engagement of Fulani organizations in Mali and Nigeria with conflict and identity (MG)
- The position of youth in the southward movement of herds in Nigeria (to be recruited)
- International networks of Fulani???
- Report Stakeholder Consultation
The stakeholder consultation was attended by 13 representatives of government, research organisations, NGOs, CSOs, foreign embassies and the core team of the project. For practical reasons (language and transport costs) only Malian organizations were invited. A similar meeting will be organized later in the year in Lagos with a number of Nigerian stakeholders. The meeting was characterised by lively and constructive discussions and all the stakeholders expressed interest in further involvement in the project in an advisory or consultative role and regular briefings about the research. As not all representatives of invited organisations were able to come, a report of the meeting (in French) will be distributed among all the invitees and they will be asked to be involved in later meetings.
The issues raised during the meeting can roughly be subdivided in two categories, comments about the choice of topics and contents of the research itself, and comments on the problem situation as it manifest itself in Mali and the Sahel at large. The report is written in an anonymised way.
The comments with respect to content were the following:
- It would be good to specify more the region of research in Mali. There are three transhumance routes where there are many conflicts: north-eastern Segou region: the western Sahara in the direction of Mauritania and the southern part of The country in the direction of Cote d’Ivoire and Guinea
- Do we talk about nomadic or sedentary Fulani
- Do we take cross-border transhuming Fulani into account
- What is the basis for the choice of the countries from a comparative perspective
The team will take these comments in to account and specific these items further in the final research plans. The choice of research area will also depend on security concerns. Probably it will be difficult
More in general the following concerns about the project were expressed:
- An important point to be elaborated is the relation between climate change and ecological factors and the movements of Fulani from the northern Sahel to more southern areas that are better endowed with rainfall. This may lead to scarcity and increasing conflicts. In addition pastures are being occupied by sedentary farmers, but also by urbanization such as the establishment of universities, industries, large-scale agriculture etc.
- More attention should be given to the ways in which small arms are traded and being spread.
- Attention should be given to the internal struggles within Fulani society. The recent migrations of Fulani after the droughts to the Inner Delta of the Niger have for example caused frictions between Fulani from these different zones and may explain a different attitude towards Jihadist movements and their resort to violence
- Some people voiced concerns that the way in which the project text has been phrased would lead to further stigmatisation and articulation of ethnic identities. Other groups such as the Bozo (fishers) are also mobile, why not involve them in the analysis;
- The way in which the research talks about different identities and in doing so risks to reinforce ethnic discourses. The conflicts are often economic and not based on identity
- The Malian government has issues with almost every population group. The Fulani are not exceptional;
- It is important to not only focus on Fulani youth, but also on other categories of youth. All categories of youth have problems to establish themselves as economic actors. In fact the economic system currently in place in Mali is in favour of the rich and discriminates the poor and leads to centralisation of wealth. The distinction between rural and urban spaces is also vanishing.
- The Fulani feel abandoned by the state. They have to deal with decreasing space for their way of living. The animals they herd are often owned by non-Fulani. However, bot animals owners and herders have problems;
- One of the big problems is the absence of the state in many parts of the country. There is no administration. Education and health care institutions are absent. People are vulnerable and easy to influence and recruit. It is important to look at this aspect.
- In a number of cases the people who cause the problems are not from Mali itself. We have to look at cross-border issues;
The research team will take these considerations into account.
- Cross-border interactions will be added to the programme of the research;
- A larger analysis of the political economy/ecology of livestock keeping is needed to look at the larger underlying changes in economy and land use dynamics, that have put the Fulani in a vulnerable position;
- The point about the danger of articulating ethnic identities by focusing on this in the research is taken very seriously. This is partly an issue of communication. The team will take care not to use ethicized language in its contacts with authorities and in the field. Secondly, more attention will be given to other population groups and their problems in the current situation (ethnicization in the political and social spheres in Mali is a tendency that we hope to deconstruct.
- Indeed the project needs to be more precise in terms of its geographical and social focus. This will be done step by-step and in consultation with the stakeholders
It is agreed that the research team will call a regular consultative meeting with the group of stakeholders. The programme will also open an e-mail address through which it will communicate with the stakeholders and through which the stakeholders can communicate with the programme. They will receive the details through the workshop report, in French, which will be published shortly
- Overview Individual Projects
V.1 La décentralisation face à l’émergence politique des mouvements identitaires des peulhs transhumants au Mali
Name researcher: Amagoin KEITA Affiliation: Groupe ODYSSEE
Notre recherche porte sur les mouvements d’affirmation à caractère politique des peulhs transhumants que nous chercherons à comprendre dans leurs revendications politiques, communautaristes et identitaires dans le contexte de la décentralisation au Mali. Cette recherche, au-delà d’inférer les intentions des décideurs à partir des déclarations ou des textes législatifs et réglementaires sur la décentralisation et la gestion des communautés locales, donnera suffisamment de place aux enquêtes de terrain pour aller voir sur le terrain comment les communautés nomades peules et sédentaires s’organisent et développent comme nouvelles pratiques au niveau des espaces territoriaux qu’elles ont en commun. Il s’agira de jeter un regard sur l’appropriation du politique par la périphérie, à travers une expression identitaire. Comme le disait Annah Arendt, « le centre peut-il faire l’économie de l’examen des usages de ses politiques ? ». Cette recherche se focalisera sur les nouvelles formes d’articulation politiques des bergers peulhs avec le reste de la communauté peule, avec les autres communautés locales, ainsi qu’avec l’Etat malien. Ce faisant, la dialectique de l’inclusion – l’exclusion dans les jeux de pouvoir au niveau local, l’imbrication de plus en plus grande entre le champ religieux et le champ politique local, la croissance de la violence armée dans l’espace politique locale occuperont une place importante dans l’analyse.
Activities over time
Les actions énumérées ci-dessous seront menées en suivant une démarche itérative :
- Analyse de la discussion scientifique (au sens large) sur la décentralisation, l’espace local, l’identité, les communautés, qui sont des catégories qui ont connu dans le temps une évolution dans le sens et la valeur qu’on leur donne. (3 à 6 mois)
- Analyse des expériences de certaines collectivités territoriales où les identités communautaires peules s’affirment (y compris de manière non conflictuelle), afin de comprendre comment elles influent sur le jeu des acteurs et les relations de pouvoir au niveau local. (18 mois)
- Discussion des résultats de recherche et réponses aux questions de recherche (12 mois)
Deliverables over time
- Progress reports every 6 months
- Policy briefs
- Scientific publications
- Contributions to dissemination
V.2 Climate change, ecological degradation, migration and conflict
Name researcher: Han van Dijk Affiliation: ASC Leiden
Over the past decades there has been a lot of debate about the relations between climate change, ecological degradation, migration and conflict. Many attribute the increase in conflict to migration of Fulani to the south as a result of climate change and increasing resource scarcity. In this project the available evidence will be carefully assessed and analysed and case studies will be done to study the local mechanisms leading to conflict between Fulani and other population groups and will try to establish the links with the larger scale changes at the level of climate, ecosystem, demography and the political economy of herding. This will be done in close collaboration with the junior researchers and research on decentralisation, cross-border interactions and the role of youth. In this way coordination between the different projects will be achieved as well.
Activities over time
- Literature and document review
- Case studies of conflicts and population movements in selected regions
- Interviews with key informants and experts
- Semester report
- Scientific papers
- Contributions to stakeholder meeting, seminars and conferences
- Blogs
- Policy briefs
V.3 Social and cultural organisations of Fulani
Name researcher: Mamadou Goita Afiliation: IRPAD-Afrique
Synopsis: social and cultural organisations, and NGOs are playing an ever greater role in promoting and maintaining Fulani identity. They might also be able to play a role in building bridges with other non-Fulani parts of society. The purpose of this activity is to come to grips with networks within and beyond Fulani society that have the potential to build bridges with other population groups, national governments, civil society organisations and the international community. This project aims on the one hand to make an inventory of these networks and on the other hand to assess their potential role and disseminating the results of the research and reconciliation between Fulani and Fulani??. The researcher will closely collaborate with the other team members to ensure smooth handing over of information and contacts.
Activities over time
- Inventory of organisations active in this field
- Interviews with representatives of these organisations
- Organisation of workshops
- Mapping of networks and contacts
- Identification of networking activities
- Drafting of an implementation plan
- Semester report
- Workshops organized
- Policy briefs
- Publication about nature and scope of social and cultural organisations
V.4 Voicing duress: Cultural and social expressions of conflict among the Fulbe in Mali and Nigeria
Name researcher: Mirjam de Bruijn Affiliation: Leiden University/ASCL
Synopsis The ‘crisis’ that is the focus of the research project, namely the ways Fulbe are involved in various conflicts in West and Central Africa, including the high risks of their possible engagement in Jihadism, can also be explained as a crisis in youth identity dynamics, or as new identity dynamics. Expressions of identity are various and can be cultural (music, arts in general) and also in different forms of discourse as we find them among young men drinking tea, and the way in which the youth access social media also use these media as a form of expression. In this project I will investigate different forms of cultural and social expression of the crisis by Fulani Youth and Elders. I base myself on the theoretical work that comes out of the project Connecting-in-times-of-duress. The project will feed into the development of the Voice4thought festival that will be organised at the end of the research project and will be based on the project findings. This will be done by interviewing and participating in youth activities, studies of social media, music performance, if possible through a comparison with older forms of youth expression that were prevalent in the 1980s and 1990s in the form of music and cassettes with recitals.
Activities over time
- Inventory of cultural expressions in Fulbe culture, youth and elderly; traditional and modern forms; over the past twenty years
- Analysis of these expressions and the changes therein, to understand the influence of the recent ‘crisis’;
- This will be done both in Mali and Nigeria, the first contacts are already established
- Analysis of Facebook expressions, capturing as well the more educated youth
- Situating these in the cultural landscape of Fulani culture and the influences of other cultures
Deliverables over time
- Semester reports
- Articles (2018, 2019)
- Blog posts, 2017-2019
- Policy briefs for the policy discussions (2018-2019)
- Input in the Voice4thought festival (Dakar, Bamako, Nigeria, to be defined)?
V.5 : La radicalisation d’une frange de la jeunesse « Pulaaku » : « des gourdins aux kalachnikovs »
Nom chercheur : Moodibo Cissé Affiliation : IRPAD-Afrique
Ces dernières années, le Mali est le théâtre d’énormes crises sociopolitiques. La crise partie des régions du nord du Mali, s’est propagée au Sud et surtout au centre du pays. Les communautés jusque-là épargnées à l’instar des Peuls par l’engagement armé ont vu des dynamiques se jouer en leur sein. En faveur de l’occupation des régions nord du Mali, certains Peuls ont adhéré aux groupes armés tels que le Front de Libération du Macina (FLM) et le Mouvement pour l’Unicité du Jihad en Afrique de l’Ouest (MUJAO). Cet engagement a renforcé des stéréotypes qui sont aussi nourris par certains médias qui construisent une image des Peuls qui seraient des jihadistes. Qu’en est-il réellement ? Qui sont les Peuls engagés dans les groupes extrémistes violents ? Quels sont les ressorts de leur engagement ? En effet, au-delà de cette stigmatisation, il nous semble opportun d’interroger les dynamiques en cours dans le centre du Mali. À partir d’une étude empirique, ce travail a pour objectif de cerner les logiques d’engagement de certains peuls dans les groupes extrémistes violents.
Objectifs spécifiques
- Analyser les raisons individuelles et collectives qui motivent l’engagement des jeunes peuls dans les groupes jihadistes
- Déterminer les rôles joués au sein des groupes, les liens avec les familles
- Examiner les impacts d’un tel engagement sur les autres communautés peules en termes de recomposition sociale, de stigmatisation
La méthodologie à adopter serait qualitative, basée sur des entretiens semi-directifs et une série d’entretiens auprès des populations cibles dans différentes communes des cercles concernés par l’étude. Tout au long de l’enquête, nous aurons au maximum usé des entretiens individuels, des focus-groupes, de l’observation participante.
- Revue de documentation
- Préparation méthodologie
- Enquêtes de terrain
- Analyse
- Rédaction de documents
- Restitution des résultats
- Rapports semestriels
- Blogs
- Articles scientifiques
- Contributions aux séminaires et ateliers
- Documents politiques
V.6 New Dimensions of Pastoralist-Farmer Conflicts in Southern Nigeria
Name researcher: Prof. Oka Obono and junior researchers
Affiliation: Centre for Public Policy Alternatives, Lagos
At a time of increased inter-ethnic feuding and inter-religious friction, southern Nigeria is experiencing a plague of invasions by herdsmen who pillage villages and leave many persons dead. Who are these herdsmen? Where do they come from? What are the transborder dimensions of the violence? What is the motive behind the orchestrated attacks at a time of heightened insurgency and growing concern of an agenda to desecularize the state and institutionalize a “Hausa-Fulani hegemony”? What are public perceptions of these invasions by both Fulani and non-Fulani and what are their main drivers? This investigation will examine transformations in relationships between Fulani herdsmen and their southern hosts over time. A trajectory of pastoralist movements from the northern regions will plot conditions of violence as the herdsmen move southwards to Enugu and Ugep. The role of the youth and their use of mobile telephones will be help throw light on the nature of conflict mobilization and response. In this regard, the study will investigate the connections among systemic Fulani marginalization, imagined Fulani power in the Nigerian space, its dominant ethos, and growing acts of criminality. Can causal relations be found? What policy directions will enable state and non-state actors restore peace to this troubled country?
Activities over time
- Recruitment of two Junior Researchers
- Desk Review
- Instrument Development
- Equipment Procurement
- Mobilization and Buy-In Meetings
- Stakeholder Consultations
- Methodology Workshop
- Data Collection Commences
- Data Analysis
- Mid-term Review and Evaluation
- Data collection continued
- Analysis and write-up
Deliverables over time
- Progress reports
- Annual Reports
- Blogs/media
- Scientific publications
- Contributions to dissemination
- Policy briefs
V.7 ‘Networks of Fulani in the Sahel’
Name researchers: Mirjam de Bruijn & Mamoudou Goita Affiliation: ASCL & IRPAD
Project description: ‘Networks of Fulani in the Sahel’
Name researchers: Mirjam de Bruijn & Mamoudou Goita
Affiliation: Leiden University/ASCL & IRPAD
Fulani live widespread over the Sahelian countries from West to Central Africa. They are transnational and transborderly organised. Retailly& Walthers (2003) argued that the old networks based on caravan routes, and travelling, are still an existing communication network in West and Central Africa. They linked this to the explanation of criminal and jihadist networks as they developed over the past decades. The historical layers of these networks is the starting point for our research. We assume that although the Fulani groups are very diverse, they developed different ways to connect and exchange information as part of their history. Furthermore the new connectivity that was emerging over the past two decades through the establishment of mobile phone networks have added another and fast layer of possible network communication. In this research project we are interested in these historical layers of communication and especially how they are informing the connections between Fulani groups, Fulani associations, jihadic movements, etc. We discern different techniques of communication: travelling (marabouts, herders, people who search for information); trade; mobile communication; and others still to be discovered. In our research we will take as starting point for these networks three foci: Mali (Bankass?); Nigeria (Enugu?); Northern Cameroon/Tchad. We will as well work from the new movements that we have already depicted in previous research: Deewral Pulaaku, APESS; taabital Pulaaku; the group around Baaba Ladde (Tchad); and others still to be discovered. (which organisations in Nigeria) and we will follow individuals from these organisation and within these networks and map their connectivities. We hope to find an answer to the question if the different movements of Fulani are indeed international and co-influencing each other, or if these are non-related and self-steered organisations.
Activities over time {bullet list}
- Oktober ‘16 to Januari ’17: development of proposal
- 2017: various visits to the different regions and search on internet/Facebook etc.
- 6 months reports
- Publication in 2018
Deliverables over time {bullet list}
- Semester reports
- 2018: two articles and policy briefs
- Regular blogs (after each field trip)
- Participation in workshops of the project and as much as possible as well outside (for this no planning is fixed yet)
Fulani live widespread over the Sahelian countries from West to Central Africa. They are transnational and transborderly organised. Retailly & Walthers (year) argued that the old networks based on caravan routes, and travelling, are still an existing communication network in West and Central Africa. They linked this to the explanation of criminal and jihadist networks as they developed over the past decades. The historical layers of these networks is the starting point for our research. We assume that although the Fulani groups are very diverse, they developed different ways to connect and exchange information as part of their history, for instance through the travelling marabouts or via the ever moving herder-groups, such as the Wodaabe. In addition the new connectivity that was emerging over the past two decades through the establishment of mobile phone networks have added another and faster layer of possible network communication. In this research project we are interested in these historical layers of communication and especially how they are informing the connections between Fulani groups, Fulani associations, jihadic movements, etc. We discern different techniques of communication: travelling (marabouts, herders, people who search for information); trade; mobile communication; and others still to be discovered. In our research we will take as starting point for these networks three foci: Mali (Bankass?); Nigeria (Enugu?); Northern Cameroon/Tchad. We will as well work from the new movements that we have already depicted in previous research: Deewral Pulaaku, APESS; taabital Pulaaku; the group around Baaba Ladde (Tchad); and others still to be discovered. (which organisations in Nigeria) and we will follow individuals from these organisation and within these networks and map their connectivities. We hope to find an answer to the question if the different movements of Fulani are indeed international and co-influencing each other, or if these are non-related and self-steered organisations.
Activities over time {bullet list}
- Oktober ‘16 to Januari ’17: development of proposal
- 2017: various visits to the different regions and search on internet/facebook etc.
- Every half year we will write a short update
- Publication in 2018
Deliverables over time {bullet list}
- Semester reports
- 2018: two articles and policy briefs
- Regular blogs (after each field trip)
- Participation in workshops of the project and as much as possible as well outside (for this no planning is fixed yet)
- Networking and communication activities
VI.1 Stakeholders meetings
Regular meetings will be held with stakeholders to report on research activities and ask advice for further research activities in both Mali and Nigeria.
VI.2 Blogs
At regular intervals, team members will produce blogs to report on research findings for as far as they do not interfere with ongoing activities. Repo0rting about some aspects of the research might be postponed in order not to endanger researchers or further data collection.
VI.3 Website
A simple website will be developed in collaboration with communication platform Voice4thought. On the website research plans, publications, reports, activities and publications will be posted over time
VI.4 Policy briefs
Policy briefs will be produced at the end of the project period, and if necessary earlier in view of conditions as they develop.
VI.5 Capacity building
Junior researchers will receive on the job training. One senior team member indicated his intention to write a PhD-thesis on the basis of the research results in his own time. ASC will facilitate the PhD thesis by extended visiting fellow ship
VI.6 Scientific publications
Each sub-project aims to produce two scientific publications
VI.7 Cultural festival
On the basis of the research on social and cultural expressions of duress, preparartions forof the cultural festival will already start in the first two years of the project.
Table 1: Participants stakeholder workshop, October 4, 2016
Name | Organization | e-mail address | Phone |
Mamadou Goita | IRPAD-Afrique | | +223-76023945
+223-66749771 |
Ousmane Sy | Ancien ministre de décentralisation, personne ressource | | +223 |
Adama Sissouma | Ministère de l’Administration Territoriale et de décentralisation | | |
Mme Tabouri Touré | Odisahel | | |
Prof Oka Obono | University of Ibadan, Dept of Sociology | | +234-8033467863 |
Dr Brehima Ely Dicko | Dept Sociologie, Faculté des sciences humaines, Université de Bamako | | +22376196999 |
Prof Han van Dijk | Centre d’Études Africaines, Université de Leyde | | +31-630786637 |
Nuhu E. Angbazo | Ambassade du Nigeria | +223-91623876 | |
Mohamed M. Abdoulaye | CFOGRAD/Tbbu | +223-79868452 | |
Mirjam Tjassing | Ambassade du Pays-Bas | | +223-77754989 |
Amagoin Keita | Groupe ODYSSEE | | +223-70191480
+223-76324701 |
Pierre Gravel | Programme PLR
SNV-Oxfam-ICCO |
+22370049824 | |
Aly Badra Koïta | Oxfam | | +223-76059033 |
Boniface Cissé | GIZ/PAPOK | | +223-79095450 |
Ibrahim Modi Diallo | Dewral pulaaku | +223-79213020 | |
Ouleye Diallo | Groupe ODYSSEE | | +22376414194 |
Modibo Galy Cissé | Dept Anthropologie, Faculté des sciences humaines, Université de Bamako | | +223-76163262 |
Table 2: Planned activities first year and tentative planning 2nd and 3rd year
Date | activity | Responsible
person |
November 1, 2016 | Report stakeholder workshop Bamako | HvD |
November 2016 | Stakeholder workshop Nigeria in Lagos
Recruitment junior researcher |
OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK |
Nov-Dec 2016 | Preparations field research and data collection | OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK, MC |
Jan-June 2017 | First round of data collection | OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK, MC |
March 2017 | First semester report, | OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK, MC |
31 March 2017 | Project board meeting
Stakeholder consultation |
OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK |
June-September 2017 | Analysis and write-up | OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK, MC |
Oct 2017 | 2nd semester report
Project board meeting |
OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK, MC |
Sept 2017-March 2018 | 2nd round of data collection | OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK, MC |
31 March 2018 | 3rd semester report
Project board meeting Stakeholder consultation Mid-term workshop |
OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK, |
April-Sept 2018 | Write-up, analysis
1st scientific article, blogs, policy briefs |
OO, HvD, MdB, MG, AK |
Sept 2018 | 4th semester report
Project board meeting Stakeholder consultation |